Musical idioms [infographic] - các thành ngữ liên quan đến âm nhạc


Musical idioms [infographic] - các thành ngữ liên quan đến âm nhạc

Chin Music

  •  “Stop the chin music and give me some solutions.”
  • “His apology was little more than chin music.”

Change your Tune

“Changing your tune” nhấn mạnh sự thay đổi của trí óc/trái tim.

  • “Frankie wanted to wear a skirt but changed her tune when it started snowing.”
  • “Initially, he didn’t like her, but he changed his tune when he saw her kindness.”

Ring a Bell

Khi thứ gì đó quen thuộc với bạn thì: it “rings a bell”.

  • “I don’t know him, but his face rings a bell.”
  • “This song rings a bell; did I hear it in a movie?”

Music to my Ears

Thành ngữ này nhấn mạnh những tin tức tốt lành.

  • “When our boss announced the three day weekend, it was music to our ears.”
  • “I was afraid the battery was dead, but when I heard my car start, it was music to my ears.”

Set Something to Music

Một nhạc sĩ phổ nhạc cho lời được gọi là “setting the lyrics to music”.

Một ví dụ về sự sáng tạo trong thành ngữ và các cách nói trong tiếng Anh, nó có thể được dùng như là một lời đáp châm biếm với những lời chỉ trích, phàn nàn hoặc một lời đáp tích cực với những lời khen ngợi/ tin tức tốt lành.

  • Example statement: “You’re ugly, your haircut is horrid, and your breath smells.”

    Reply: “Wow, you should set that to music.”
  • Example statement: “Your tests are negative; you’re cancer-free.”

    Reply: “Set that to music, Doc!”

Elevator Music

  • “The elevator music in my doctor’s office makes me sleepy.”
  • “Phil laughed when he realized that genuine elevator music was playing inside the elevator.”

For a Song

Những thứ được mua với giá rẻ thì: they were bought “for a song”.

  • “As the car had no engine, Fred was able to buy it for a song.”
  • “Since Rudy got the engagement ring for a song, he could spend more on his tuxedo.”

Face the Music

  •  “Inga did not study and will face the music when her grades are posted.”
  • “After eating nothing but cheeseburgers for years, Bertha was now facing the music.”

Play it by Ear

Những nhạc sĩ tài năng không cần có nhạc phổ mà có thể chơi nhạc bằng tai, nhưng thành ngữ này còn ám chỉ việc ứng biến trước các tình huống không thể lường trước được.

  •  “I’m unsure how Martha will react to the new puppy, so lets play it by ear.”
  • “Until the politician understood how the voters felt, he played it by ear.”

Jam Session

  • “Norbert and his buddies got together with their instruments for a jam session.”
  • “On Wednesday, everyone assigned to the new project will stay late for a jam session.”